5 Kinds Of Treats That Spoil Your Pet & Improve Their Health
When your pet behaves well or you just want to spoil them, you probably give them a treat. Seeing your beloved pet happy after munching a treat is a delight, but did you know you can also help them with a variety of health problems while you're at it? Here are five kinds of treats that can help improve your pet's health.
Cats get hairballs because they groom themselves and ingest their own fur in the process. Unfortunately, cat's bodies can't digest this fur, so their only option is to either vomit it back up in the form of a hairball or for it to pass through the digestive tract in the form of excrement. The latter is potentially dangerous, as hair can potentially create blockages in the digestive tract, creating a serious health risk in the process.
While grooming your cat is the best place to start, giving them hairball treats can also help to reduce the amount of hairballs they experience. These treats are full of fiber and help to cushion any digested hair so it escapes through the digestive tract smoothly and reduces the risk of a blockage.
In addition to hairballs, dogs and cats are sometimes just prone to having difficulty digesting their food. Some pet foods may simply not agree with your pet's stomach, or maybe your pet is getting too many human snacks as a treat. Regardless, digestion treats can help to ease the amount of vomiting and diarrhea your pet may experience by introducing extra fiber and probiotics into your pet's diet. These ingredients help to break down other food your pet has eaten more effectively, and may reduce the instances of an upset stomach.
Tooth Decay
Tooth decay is a serious problem for pets: in fact, an estimated 4 out of 5 dogs over the age of three have periodontal disease. Brushing your pet's teeth is the best way to curb dental disease, but dental treats and chews are a great supplement, too.
Some varieties of dental treats are estimated to reduce plaque by up to 70%, and all dental treats sold in the U.S. are required to reduce plaque and tartar by at least 10% to be approved by the Veterinary Oral Health Council.
Joint Care
As pets get older, their joints may become painful, swollen, or stiff as the cushioning between the bones starts to break down. Treats containing glucosamine and chondroitin may be beneficial in rebuilding and maintaining the joint's cartilage and stopping harmful enzymes from damaging the joint.
Pill Poppers
Getting a pet to take pills can be extremely difficult, and highly frustrating for pet parents. Chances are if you simply try to make them take the pill by itself, they'll spit it out or resist swallowing it; if you put it in their food, they may eat around it.
Treats are helpful here, too: specially-made soft pill popper treats are designed so you can insert a pill in them, and then press to close the edges around the pill. Your pet will smell the treat, not the pill, and eat it gladly, making both of your lives easier.
The next time you shop for treats for your pets, remember that you can spoil them with more than just empty calories. These treats will make them happy and keep them healthy all at the same time. Visit a shop like Petland Albuquerque for more information.